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Early Childhood Education 

Ho'okāko'o Corporation (HC) is an education change agent, providing support and services to students in communities with concentrations of Native Hawaiian families.  We collaborate with other organizations and family service agencies to increase childhood education opportunities for our youngest learners.

• School Readiness

HC’s Pre-K programs are better preparing our children for success in grades K-3. Early indicators show that children who have completed the Pre-K programs transition more readily into traditional classroom settings and demonstrate academic readiness and competencies in comparison to peers without Pre-K experiences.

• Literacy

DIBELS and other formative reading assessments in K-3 indicate that Pre-K students are outperforming their peers without Pre-K experience.


• Growth/Achievement

HSSRA results for Kamaile Pre-K students show that Pre-K students outperform their peers without Pre-K experience.

• Cultural Knowledge & Practice

Pre-K programs at Kamaile Academy and Kualapu'u School are providing students with opportunities to learn about their culture and develop a sense of place from a very young age. Community and cultural experts are engaged in our programs to ensure that culture-based learning opportunities are offered as part of their early childhood experience.

• Family/Caregiver Involvement

Early childhood programs are promoting intergenerational educational opportunities for children and their families. Specifically, both Kamaile Academy and Kualapu'u have outreach programs to the community to increase parent participation in their child’s education.

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